" Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow."

- John Lennon.

Andrea is a curious, connected, and open-hearted healer. She shares her love of bodywork, intuitive life coaching, nature, shamanic practice, ceremony and rituals to empower her clients to discover and embrace their own bright soul light and uniqueness.

Cacao Ceremonies

Using ceremonial cacao & breathworks to open your heart, release hidden trauma or memories stored within the body & to access your own inner wisdom held deeply within.


A fusion of Kahuna Massage, Remedial Massage & Lymphatic Drainage. Andrea’s signature offering leaves you feeling centred, relaxed, rejuvenated and connected.

Retreats & Events

The Rose Sisterhood - FULL DAY RETREAT.

Co-created with @therosesisterhood we are running 4 retreats each year. Following the seasons.

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others.”

— Nelson Mandela

What people say….

Andrea Phillips

Andrea is a curious, connected, and open-hearted healer.

She shares her love of bodywork, intuitive life coaching, nature, shamanic practice, ceremony & rituals to empower her clients to discover & embrace their own bright soul light and uniqueness.

On her own journey she is still discovering the essence of who she is, what her values are, what she would like to create in her life, what self-love means, how to open her heart & feel again, how to be more authentic & vulnerable, how to communicate cleanly and from a space of compassion.

She holds space for you & shows you that there is a different way to do things. That you are unique, creative, and a loving being that possesses your own inner wisdom or compass that can guide you towards a healthy, loving, more fulfilled & connected life.