Ceremonial Cacao & Breathworks

Using ceremonial cacao & breathworks to open your heart, release hidden trauma or memories stored within the body & to access your own inner wisdom held deeply within.

My Ceremony

As this is a sacred and intentional plant medicine the preparation for ceremony begins long before the ceremony itself.

I source my cacao in an intentional way, seeking to know how sustainably sourced & what it’s provenance is.

I begin by setting the intentions for the ceremony in the week prior, intuitively listening to what is coming up for myself and the themes of the energies of that time or season.

The night before I create an altar at home and prepare the water and cacao ready for ceremony.

Both are usually left out overnight to bath in the moonlight and to catch the first rays of sunshine as the sun rises. This is a calling in of the balance of the divine feminine & masculine energy of Grandmother Moon & Grandfather Sky.

My ceremonial brew is made with water, ceremonial cacao, spices & honey or maple syrup. As I warm the mixture together, I sing & energise the intentions into the drink, blessing it, asking for the magic within to create a divine connection for self-awareness & healing.

Coming together in circle invites our group energies to connect, sharing sacred space, & ceremony.

I hold the container for you to manifest your intentions, to release what is no longer in service to you, to take a breath, to listen with all of your senses, to hear the sounds that will inspire or sooth your soul. All you need to do is trust your body knows what to do.

My ceremony is purposefully a small, safe & intimate group setting, which allows you to feel comfortable to be you, in whatever way this shows up for you on the night.

Come and join me to experience the magic of a ceremonial cacao & breathworks journey & the connection to self/the divine & your heart, that will leave you feeling amazing.