Kahuna Massage

What is Kahuna massage?

Kahuna bodywork is so much more than a massage, it is an ancient (Polynesian) ritual/ceremony to honour all of you, you're, body, mind & spirit.

It is like a beautiful flowing dance with your body. Your body is rolled, kneaded, swayed, flowed over and under, stretched using gentle, intense, deep, or calming strokes. It leaves your body, mind & spirit feeling relaxed, centred & lighter.

Andrea connects with you and asks your body to be her guide. Designed to move tension out of your muscles, improve your circulatory systems flow, stuck or stagnant energy/emotions are invited to leave your body with grace and ease.

These sessions combine the essence of ALOHA – in its simplest form ‘unconditional love’ and intention – where you call in more of what you need, in this moment, into your body.

Underneath my massage table is what I have called my ‘ALOHA bowl’. It is a clear bowl containing seed lights and visually symbolises what I believe this style of bodywork brings to the body. It is an opportunity for your body to rest, reset, receive, and release your own ‘stones’. Whether this is physical tension within the tissues, experiences, conditioning, emotions, or trauma. When you do this, your ‘soul light’ can shine again, and your ability to navigate your own life may feel easier.

It wasn’t until a good few years after I had created my ‘ALOHA bowl’ that I came across this Hawaiian story. I feel my soul already knew this story and my heart was just waiting to share this with you.

Tales from the Night Rainbow

Mo’olelo o na Po Makole, The Story of a Woman, a People, and an Island. An oral history as told by Kaili’ohe Kame’ekua of Kamalo, Molokai, 1816-1931.

Each ‘child has at birth’ a ‘perfect bowl of light’.

If she tends his light it will grow in strength and she can do all things – swim with sharks, fly with the birds, know, and understand all things.

If she becomes envious or jealous, she drops a stone into his bowl of light and some of the light will go out.

Light and stone cannot hold the same space.

If she continues to put stones in the bowl of light, the light will go out and she will become stone.

A stone does not grow, nor does it move.

If at any time she tires of being a stone, all she needs to do is turn the bowl upside down and the stones will fall away, and the light will grow once more.

Remedial Massage

In the dictionary ‘remedial’ means ‘intended as a remedy’. With this form of massage, you have an issue/injury or functional problem with your muscles/joints and movement. Andrea uses a wide variety of techniques to provide relief to the area of concern, advising of exercises/activities that would be supportive in your recovery.

*If you have a Health Fund you can claim your rebate via a Tax Invoice emailed to you post massage.

Our lymphatic system is a system in our body designed to help our body fight infections & disease, detoxify our body, by transporting toxins, bacteria, excess fluid, & metabolic waste out of our bodies. It is not a muscular massage and yet can be deeply relaxing as the gentle pressure stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system and can reduce pain by sedating the sensory nerve endings.

This massage uses extremely light pressure working slowly and rhythmically to move the lymph fluid in a specific direction in the body.

In the session you lie face up on the table and Andrea will move in a sequence from your head & neck, along your arms, through the torso and down your legs to your feet.

Some benefits of lymphatic drainage include:

  • Post-surgery to prevent scarring of the area and to assist the body to remove unwanted fluid at the

  • site thus reducing infections

  • Pre-surgery to soften and relax tissues that require surgery

  • Oedema post-acute injury such as a sprained ankle

  • Lymphoedema

  • Breast surgery

  • Sinusitis/Hayfever

  • It is not recommended you receive Lymphatic Drainage if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Acute inflammation caused by bacteria, viruses, allergens.

  • Malignant tumours

  • Thrombosis & phlebitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)

  • Heart valve insufficiency

  • Very low blood pressure

*If you have a Health Fund you can claim your rebate via a Tax Invoice emailed to you post massage.

Andrea has a love & passion for all the styles of massages she offers. She is also trained in energy healing & reiki, which sometimes organically flows in her sessions.

All sessions offered are priced according to length of time. This is so you can create a session that best suits your needs, incorporating different techniques without worrying about a change in pricing.

Lymphatic Drainage massage